How To Increase The Turn Over Of A Business

How To Increase Turn Over In A Business
-What is Turn Over?
-Differences between sales and revenue
-Lowering your prices
-Increase your market Strategies
-Make sure to advertise
-Increase Distribution
-Insensitize Your Employees
-Elimination of competition

Businesses are established based on the sole aim of making profits, a business establishment that is not on a maximised profit margin is said to be laging behind. Every firm will aim at making profit but you will need to generate income before making any gains. Managing a business is major task to both companies and small business owners. Aiming to increase the rate of turn over is a major concern of big companies and sole proprietors. In this article we will  seeing the major steps to take in optimising turn over rate in your business establishment. 

What is Turn Over?

The turn over of a company or a sole proprietorship is the total sales made by a business within a certain period. This sometimes referred to as 'gross revenue' or 'income'. This is different to profit, which is a measure of earnings. The sum total sales made by a company or a small scale business, is a major determinant to the profit margin of the business.
In order words, a company strives to increase sales revenue in order to optimize her profit.

Increasing sales and revenues are related but the fact is that they are achieved with different goals and strategies. Although the tactics for each may be different, they should complement each other. Understanding how both sales and revenue are related and how they help you to increase market efficiency and optimization of  your profits.

Difference Between Sales And Revenue

The are diffrent meanings to both  words “sales,” “revenue” and “income” although they are sometimes used as synonyms, which could be confusing. The word sales refers to the the amount of a product while revenue on the other hand is the total amount of moneygenerated by your sales, income refers to the profits gotten from the sales of the establishnent.

Lowering Your Prices

One of the major tool used in increasing the rate of turn over of a company or a small scale business, is to reduce the prices of the products.
If your product or service is price sensitive, pay special attention to your pricing strategies. 
First step to take is to find out what your competitors are charging and raise or lower your prices based on what you want to achieve. 
By lowering your price, you can increase the amount of customers who patronize your business. The lower the price, the higher the sales, consumers tend to patronize a business that sells cheaper compared to others in the same market line. This may or may not throw your business off balance when it comes to competition with others.

Increase Your Market Strategies 

In order to increase the amount of sales and revenue a business gets within a period of time, you have employ diffrent strategies. These strategies may involve taking a deep market survey, know what type of consumer or patronizers you are facing and what they think, that is, their view about your product or services. Thus, you know how to go about making adjustments that will be favourable to both the consumers/patronizers.

Make Sure To Advertise

Advertising is also one of the major tools business and establishments use in the turn-over optimization process. Let people know you Business more and also know what and what services you render, the pricing strategy of your business. Advertise if you want to grow your business and increase sales and revenue in order to maximize traffic.

Increase Distribution

Increasing your distribution channels and changing where you sell your product can significantly boost your sales and revenues without requiring any changes to your marketing or pricing. 
Perform a careful study of the effects of using online selling, direct mail, wholesalers, retailers, distributors and outside sales reps to project how each method can affect your sales volumes, profit margins and total profits. In some cases, marketing support is needed for
new distribution channels. 

Insensitize Your Employees

Use of insensitives also helps you to increase sales and revenue of your business. 
Monitor employees and thiers performance, results. Reward employees by linking their pay to productivity. Ensure that all your employees are fully aware of the business’ motive in order to increase profit. By encouraging your employees, they will improve their level of  service and hence the possibility of a higher turnover. However, this strategy may apply for companies and firms, for small business owners, distribution of insensitives to her patronizers could also go a long way in enticing them to always come come and patronize your business.

Elimination Of Competition

Try to eliminate competition in the market environment. Trying to create a kind of monopoly in the market frame so as create efficiency in turn over optimization. There are bound to be competition in every business, even for a sole proprietorship. Compare your quality and pricing with competing products and services. 
By knowing and analysing your competition, you should get a rough idea on how to price your goods and/or services. Ensure that your products/services always stay ahead of the competition.


Businesses are established based on the sole aim of making profits. Aiming to increase the rate of turn over is a major concern of big companies and sole proprietors. These afore-mentioned strategies can be effected inorder to optimize the total amount of sales and revenue gotten by a firm or a small scale business. So increasing your turn over means having a firm control over your costs.
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